About us

Company ABC idea Ltd. was founded in 2010. In the beginning company provided two main services - IT hardware and network administration services and website hosting. As the number of clients grew, more and more clients began to show interest about website development. After thorough market research in Latvia, we decided to offer also website development and maintenance services.

As constantly growing amount of clients increased the number of monthly invoices needed to be generated, we opted to create our own invoicing software to automate our own invoicing and billing processes. It was a cornerstone for switching from website development to development of custom business solutions. From time to time clients, who received our generated invoices, inquired about software we use for invoicing automation, so we decided to adjust and adapt our internal invoicing system so it could be used by other clients. That moment in year 2013 can be marked as the beginning of www.tavirekini.lv platform, currently Tavirekini.lv is the most popular online invoicing system in Latvia and is used daily by more than 1800 clients.

By developing websites and online shops for different business sectors we gained invaluable experience and by looking for more challenging projects we started to offer development of custom business solutions, that allows clients to adapt software to their current business processes instead of taking ready-to-use software and changing their everyday procedures. It allows them to save time without any additional inconveniences. We have created custom solutions for such business sectors as - tyre retail and wholesale, typography and printing house, construction, window manufacture, real estate, furniture retail, sports leagues (such as hockey, basketball, tennis), event organising and many more.

We gained enough experience in event industry, that we decided to create our own event registration and management system called Mitto Events. As the very first service in Mitto Events full-spectre event solution was Mitto Forms that is available already since 2018. Next big step for Mitto Events was creation of Mitto Online - an online platform where event can be held fully online. It was created mainly because of Covid-19, when event organisers were looking for alternative ways to keep their events on track during pandemic. Mitto Online platform helped organisers to have an event fully online or in hybrid mode if epidemiological situation allowed to have a limited on-site attendance. Many organisers as an excellent benefit of hybrid events mention possibility to invite A+ level speakers and participants, that in other conditions would never be able to attend this event.

Today we are solely working on custom business solution development. We offer consultation services and in meantime we are developing our own online software for different business sectors.

ABC idea Ltd. is founded

Company starts to offer two main services: IT hardware and network administration and website hosting services.

April 2010

We start to offer development services for custom business solutions

Upon evaluating customer requests, we start to offer development services for custom business solutions and consultations.

January 2013

Launched Tavirekini.lv

Based on multiple requests from clients, we turn our own made in-house invoicing system as a publicly available SaaS service.

We stop IT hardware and network administration services

By evaluating the company`s development strategies we decided to stop IT hardware and network administration services.

November 2016

Launched Mitto Forms

After evaluating our experience in the event organization industry and development opportunities we decide to create an online tool for the event industry.

December 2018
About Mitto Events

Launched Mitto Events

Based on our experience developing Mitto Forms and rapidly growing market for hybrid events, we develop an online event social-network like platform Mitto Events.

November 2020
About Mitto Events

We stop website hosting and VPS server services

Continuing our company`s development strategy, we stop website hosting and VPS hosting services

October 2021

Launched Covid-19 verify

By following market tendencies and fast changing regulations, we have created an Android application for Covid-19 QR certificate validation via laser barcode scanners.

November 2021

We are working on next project!

News coming soon!

February 2025